Ranger In Charge, Environment And Science
Queensland Government Cairns, Cairns
Job Description
QPWS Rangers may work across five focus areas dependent on operational need, including Pest Management, Fire Management, Estate Management, Visitor Management and Assets and Safety. As such, Rangers may turn their hands to a wide range of jobs that can be safely undertaken by non tradespersons.
Rangers in the GBR&MP assist with broad marine park priorities and include vessel patrolling requirements. In undertaking their work, marine park rangers work both above and below the waterline and they participate in vessel-based operations lasting up to several weeks, including regular flights in light aircraft or helicopters.
Whilst this team leader position is based in Cairns, working within the Far North GBR requires regular and extended travel to other locations. This position will be required to participate in field trips, onboard a modern and fit for purpose vessel fleet, which may total to an estimated 70 or more nights at sea per year, away from the home base. These nights at sea occur over 6 – 8 extended trips per year working within the GBR&MP.
Good physical health is a requirement of the position as it is also hands on in delivering the units work requirements. Field work including exposure to the sun (UV), hot / humid tropical temperatures, fire and smoke, registered chemicals and poisons, long hours of work (including weekend and night work), in remote areas, can be expected.
Applications to remain current for 12 months.
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This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.
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Queensland Government