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Night Feast Volunteers

Brisbane Powerhouse New Farm, Queensland

Job Description

Volunteer Opportunity 1 – 26 March 2023

Brisbane Powerhouse is set to become the city’s latest foodie mecca with the launch of Night Feast: an immersive art and feasting experience taking over the Brisbane Powerhouse precinct and surrounding parklands.

To help deliver a truly unique and outstanding experience, Brisbane Powerhouse is looking for an exceptional team of volunteers to cement Brisbane’s reputation as a culinary and cultural destination worth travelling for.

Volunteering at Night Feast is a fantastic way for anyone interested in the arts/events industry to get involved with a flexible, rewarding, short-term commitment. Whether you’re a supporter of the arts, a student, a creative, or an aspiring arts worker, Night Feast is a fantastic opportunity to volunteer at one of the city’s greatest cultural assets!


  • Welcoming patrons and providing them with information about Night Feast
  • Roaming the precinct and assisting with patron queries
  • Assisting operational staff across the precinct

You will be working as a part of the Visitor Services team as the face of the Night Feast, welcoming thousands of patrons into the transformed surroundings of Brisbane Powerhouse and providing crucial assistance to the staff behind the scenes.


Volunteering at Brisbane Powerhouse is an opportunity to gain valuable experience in the events industry, help contribute to the local and international arts community, make new friends and network with arts professionals. It also represents a fantastic opportunity to be involved in an exciting transformative cultural experience in the heart of one of Brisbane’s most vibrant theatre spaces. 

 For any enquiries, please contact us on 07 3358 8622.

  This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.

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Brisbane Powerhouse