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Salhn Nursing And Midwifery Campaign 2022

Government of South Australia Adelaide, Adelaide

Job Description


: Open to Everyone

At SALHN, I can… accelerate my nursing career and increasemy job satisfaction

At the Southern Adelaide Local Health Network (SALHN), you canaccess the latest technology, facilities and equipment, combinedwith quality training and development opportunities. You can workwith friendly and collaborative colleagues and enjoy a trulyflexible schedule. You can contribute to the development of a newmodel of care, enabling better patient care, now and in thefuture.

Benefitsof working at the SALHN

When you join the team at SALHN, you’ll be joining a family-like communityof nurses and midwives, where you can enjoy the followingbenefits:

  • Join the fastest growing Local Health Network in SA: Grow your career with us as our region and our hospital’s grow – and position yourself in the right place to take up the very best career opportunities.
  • Access modern technology: Enhance your knowledge and competencies by using technologically-advanced equipment and facilities.
  • Utilise and build your skills every day: Develop your competencies broadly and deeply by working across a variety of presentations.
  • Contribute to best practice: Be part of a supportive team culture which will actively seek your ideas and feedback on systems and practices, contributing to the new models of care and provision of services.
  • Develop and grow professionally: You will be offered opportunities for ongoing education tailored to individual disciplines and tailored to your needs as an individual – leading to more relevant and effective outcomes.
  • Join a supportive team: Increase your job satisfaction by working in a friendly, collaborative team with access to approachable, flexible and supportive colleagues and managers who respect and value your contribution, expertise and knowledge.
  • Achieve the right work-life balance: You will have access to flexible work patterns (such as compressed working weeks), and benefit from our fair approach to shift rostering, helping you to manage the right work-life balance for you.
  • AboutSALHN hospitals

    Southern Adelaide Local Health Network (SALHN) provides publichealth services including hospital, outpatient and communityservices to a population of about 364,000 people across thesouthern Adelaide metropolitan region, as well as a range ofstate-wide services. With more than 900 beds and 8,000 staffacross 20 sites, including the Flinders Medical Centre, NoarlungaHospital, GP Plus centres and services in the community centred onVeteran’s mental health, Aboriginal Health, home based careand Repat Health Precinct, SALHN is unique in the State publichealth system in providing services across the lifespan.

    FMC is a beginning to end-of-life tertiary hospital. Emergencyand elective care is provided across a full range of complex andspecialist areas incorporating medical and surgical services,mental health, obstetric, paediatric and neonatal services as wellas rehabilitation and palliative care. FMC is co-located withFlinders University and Flinders Private Hospital.

    Noarlunga Hospital and health precinct includes an emergencydepartment, geriatric inpatient services, elective 23 hour and daysurgery, short stay medical care, a range of mental healthservices, medical ambulatory services such as dialysis and aninfusion suite and outpatient clinics. More complex care isreferred to FMC.

    SALHN provides rehabilitation, dementia care and transitionalcare services at the Repat Health Precinct. Several non-SALHNservices are also provided at the Repat Health Precinct.Redevelopment of the Repat Health Precinct is currently in progressand is being led by the Department of Health and Wellbeing. JamieLarcombe Centre is the state-wide centre for Veteran’s MentalHealth located within the Glenside Health Precinct.

    Clickhere to see nurses testimonials 

    What roles are available?

    Please note this Campaignis open until 2023, but we have vacancies to fill NOW – so pleaseput your applications in.

    We are looking for qualified Registered Nurses, dualregistration Registered Nurses/Registered Midwives, RegisteredClinical Nurses and Enrolled Nurses:

  • Medical wards
  • ED
  • Surgical wards
  • Mental Health community
  • Rehabilitation wards
  • Palliative Care
  • Paediatrics
  • Maternity/Midwifery
  • ICCU
  • HDU
  • Perioperative
  • Mental Health acute
  • Aged Care
  • Corporate Nursing Pool
  • Neonates
  • Endoscopy
  • You will be registered or eligible for registration as a Nurseand or Midwife with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia,and who holds or who is eligible to hold a current practicingcertificate. 

    You will possess effective communication skills including,problem solving, conflict resolution and negotiation skills. The ability to work effectively within a multidisciplinary, becreative innovative and flexible when approaching issues within ahealthcare setting. The ability to prioritise workload anddemonstrated commitment to providing consumer/client and familycentred care.

    Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory/valid and relevantCriminal History clearances before commencing ofemployment.

    The South Australian public sector promotes diversity andflexible ways of working including part-time. Applicants areencouraged to discuss the flexible working arrangements for thisrole. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants areencouraged to apply

    Take your first step to joining the supportive and collaborativenursing community at the SALHN and click apply now.

    If you have any additional queries pleaseemail:  Health:SALHNEDONM Office

    Applications close: 22/09/2023 11:45 AM

    Flexibility Statement
    The South Australian public sector promotes diversity and flexible ways of working including part-time. Applicants are encouraged to discuss the flexible working arrangements for this role.

      This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.

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    Government of South Australia