Research Fellow- Computer Vision/deep Learning
The University of Western Australia Perth, Perth
Job Description
A unique opportunity to work with a team of renowned scientists in computer vision, including Prof. Richard Hartley (ANU), Prof. Ajmal Mian (UWA) and Dr. Naveed Akhtar (UWA).
The research project will focus on developing techniques and algorithms to secure computer vision deep learning models against adversarial attacks, Trojans and backdoor attacks. It is expected to provide a new perspective on the composition of adversarial examples and the utility of explainable AI in the context of adversarial manipulation of deep learning models.
In addition to leading the blue-sky research, you will co-supervise PhD students and conduct your independent research towards the project goals. Focusing on the fundamental problems in adversarial deep learning, the research outcomes for the project are expected to be published in the top-tier venues.
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The University of Western Australia