Research Officer
Parliament of SA Adelaide, Adelaide
Job Description
Eligibility: Open to Everyone The Parliamentary Library of SouthAustralia The functions of the Parliament Research Library are to: -provide effective, efficient, and professional research andlibrary services to Members of Parliament and their staff; and -liaise with staff within the Parliament, with government andits agencies, other libraries, external groups, and the broaderresearch community in the provision of these services so thatMembers are able to effectively discharge their parliamentaryduties. Members and their staff are treated as separate work groups,with officers of the Library required to deliver specific supportand services to those work groups in a confidential, trustworthy,reliable, timely, and impartial manner. Essential minimum requirement: Qualifications in relevant disciplines or demonstratedequivalent experience. The Research Officer: -is responsible for the provision of confidential research andreference work to Members of Parliament on a wide range of topics.Responses may be oral, written, or visual. -required to provide other Library information services such asassisting with access to the Library’s collection, and theprovision of media-monitoring (for which training is provided). -required to liaise and consult with Members and their staff,work collaboratively with other library and parliamentary staff,and maintain effective working relationships with externalgovernment and community agencies as required. -required to participate in planning, policy and decision-makingprocesses; regularly review, assess, report, and makerecommendations to improve the efficiency and effectiveness ofLibrary functions. -participate in Library out-reach activities. Special conditions: -Employment is subject to the provisions of the Parliament(Joint Services) Act 1985 (SA). -Appointment will be subject to suitable reference checks and asatisfactory offender history check. -Candidates must meet citizenship or permanent residencyrequirements. -To ensure the strict political neutrality of this position itwould be impermissible for the Research Officer to be, have been,or be seen to be involved in political or electoral affairs. -Recreation leave will not be approved when Parliament issitting. -Rostered evening work will be required when Parliament issitting. For further information in regard to the role and specialconditions, please see the job and person specifications. Applicants who do not separately address the job andperson specification in their covering letter/application will notbe considered. Closing date 9am Monday, 3 May 2021 Remuneration ASP5 80,830 – 89,897 Salary displayed will be adjusted to actual hours worked Permanent part-time, 30 hours per week, Monday to Friday Address applications and enquiries to: Anna Graves Manager, Research Services 08 8237 9450 Applications close: 03/05/2021 09:00 AM Flexibility StatementThe South Australian public sector promotes diversity and flexible ways of working including part-time. Applicants are encouraged to discuss the flexible working arrangements for this role.
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Parliament of SA