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Covid-19: Sa Health Recruitment Drive – Nursing/midwifery 2021 Medi-hotel

Department for Health and Wellbeing Adelaide, Adelaide

Job Description

Eligibility: Open to Everyone This is an exclusive opportunity to join South Australia’s multidisciplinary team of COVID-19 frontline heroes, as a Registered/Enrolled Nurse or Midwife. Your key contribution to our state’s highly successful and nationally-commended Medi-Hotel Program, will help keep our state COVID safe.The focus of our state’s quarantine pathway and the Medi-Hotel Program is to ensure the dignity, wellbeing, safety and proactive medical care of individuals in supervised quarantine, which in turn protects the broader South Australian and Australian community. The Program operates under stringent infection control and prevention measures, underpinned by highly responsive best-practice COVID-19 surveillance and testing practice.You will provide general health, mental health, nursing and midwifery clinical care via daily health checks. And offer referral and care escalation pathways to tertiary centres as required.To be a part of this rewarding opportunity to help make a real difference in the COVID-19 pandemic, there are mandatory COVID-19 testing requirements for this role. COVID-19 Recruitment Nursing and Midwifery FAQ Updated 26 March RNM1+Registered+Nurse+Midwife+Role+Description+COVID Rapid Flexibility StatementThe South Australian public sector promotes diversity and flexible ways of working including part-time. Applicants are encouraged to discuss the flexible working arrangements for this role.

  This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.

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Department for Health and Wellbeing