Showroom Sales Consultant
National Tiles Oxley, ACT (Australian Capital Territory)
Job Description
Job Category:
National Tiles is recognised as one of Australia’s leading brands in the supply of quality Tiles and Tiling products to the retail and commercial sectors. This reputation has been gained by our commitment to our brand presence, quality products and the exceptional calibre of the people that work at our centres throughout Australia.
Our continued dedication to being recognised as an employer of choice is what drives our enormous business growth. This coupled with our priority for safety and the wellbeing of our people means that you can be assured you are joining a business that puts people first.
Job Description
The Role:
We currently have an exciting part time opportunity to join our Oxley store as we continue to deliver exceptional tiling needs to our customers Australia wide. You will work with our valued customers who are seeking professional expert advice on tailored solutions for their home or DIY projects.
You will be working with a great team of people who are dedicated to continually improving efficiencies for the benefit of the company, its customers and, very importantly, its employees.
Desired Skills and Experience
To be successful in this role you will:
What’s in it for you?
This is your opportunity to make a valuable contribution to one of Australia’s most recognised brands in the building industry.
View more student jobs in ACT (Australian Capital Territory).
This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.
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National Tiles