Sales Representative
Superior People Recruitment Hobart, Hobart
Job Description
Sales Representative – School, Corporate and Sportswear will be responsible for generating new sales, implementing sales strategies and ensuring customers’ needs are met to an exceptional level to foster repeat business within the uniform and textiles industrySpecific Sales Representative responsibilities include:1. Generating new sales through face to face customer meetings, event attendance, phone calls and other marketing channels. Where event attendance on weekends is required an alternative leave day through the week will be arranged where possible.2. Cold Calling potential clients to generate new leads and / or creating opportunities for face to face meetings with potential clients through innovative ways such as attending stadiums, sports courts, sports events and other community events to meet potential customers.3. Ensuring clients’ needs are met in terms of timely delivery of design briefs and quotations.4. Taking Customer phone calls and managing the sales process end to end from initial enquiry, design brief creation, issuing of invoice, following up on payment as required and delivery of products.5. Developing sales campaigns and strategies as required to generate further sales.6. Maintaining and building rapport through contact with the customer base to ensure ongoing repeat sales.7. Building a high performance team in both sales and operations that collectively delivers exceptional customer outcomes.This is a highly competitive market, and fast turn around is required for design and product delivery.As Sales Representative, you will need to display; Comfort working in metrics driven environment.Conscientious with positive balanceRespectfulResourcefulPassionateIndependentAble to multitaskOrganisedAlert, energetic and enthusiasticAble to demonstrate strong listening and interpersonal skills as well as examples of taking initiative and being persistent regarding completion of tasks.Able to demonstrate ability in conceptualising and implementing ideas.Flexible approach to work hours
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This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.
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Superior People Recruitment