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Now Hiring!!! Entry-level Sales Reps / Great Hourly Wage + Bonuses

myjoblist Gold Coast, Gold Coast

Job Description

Launch your career in the direct Sales & Marketing industry!QLD Interactive Pty Ltd are an exciting Sales & Marketing company based in the Gold Coast. With a fun and exciting work culture, you will join a team of confident and savy Sales Reps who earn a competitive base salary and even better commissions! Remuneration: Base + Generous Commission $50k – $80k+ per annum. If you don’t have much experience in sales, then don’t worry. If you have ever worked in roles such as; Customer Service, Retail, Call Centre, Hospitality… then we want to hear from you!A major part of the company’s success is due to their training and development program. This includes teaching Entry-Level Sales all the way through to Management, and offering multiple career paths beyond this role.  What you will be doing:You will be representing World-Wide brands and non-for-profit organisations at various locations. Engage with potential clients and communicate the benefits of products and services. You will have team leaders come out with you to show you how it is done, and there is good $$$ to be made with sales incentives.  If you have:customer service experience or are a good communicatorare confident and outgoinga student mentalitypositive attitudeenjoy working in a team environmenta genuine desire to get ahead Then please apply! There are limited positions available and are looking to employ straight away and help our candidates develop and build a long term career in our company and the industry.    Apply and start an exciting career in sales and marketing!!! […]

  This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.

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