Research Associate
Job Description
About Flinders
Our bold vision, captured in our Strategic Plan: making a Difference: The 2025 Agenda, is to be internationally recognised as a world leader in research, an innovator in contemporary education, and the source of Australia’s most enterprising graduates.
To realise this ambition, we recently made a significant organisation change to a six College structure with a professional staff and services alignment.
We recognise the key to our success is exceptional people and we’re seeking an outstanding individual to join the team of our transformed university.
Employment Type:
Fixed Term (Fixed Term)
Position Summary
Fixed-term, full-time available for 2 years
Compensation Grade:
Research Academic Level A
Salary Range:
$76,955 – $93,259 pa
Reporting to:
Senior Lecturer
The Research Associate will undertake research activities under routine to general supervision within psychology. The Research Associate will contribute to the research project through the application of research and investigation methods, data analysis, evaluation, literature review, and the development of reports and communications. It is expected that the Research Associate will undertake active candidature toward a doctoral qualification, if not already obtained.
The Research Associate may assist in leading students involved in the research project.
Key Position Responsibilities
The Research Associate is accountable for:
Contributing to the research project by collaborating with the Research Team to successfully deliver project milestones and Key Performance Indicators, including managing lab resources.
Contributing to the planning and execution of research by reviewing relevant literature and other sources of information, participating in the production of data, contributing to the writing and editing of grant applications and attending seminars, meetings and conferences.
Coordinating, planning and executing project tasks required to collaborate with industry partners Independently contributing to ethical, high quality and innovative research and evaluation through activities such as scholarship, publishing in recognised high quality journals and assisting the preparation of submission of bids for external research funding.
Maintaining collaborations within the University, and at state, national and international levels in order to improve research outputs, patents and publications.
Some out of hours work (including weekends) as well as rural SA, interstate and overseas travel, may be required.
Any other responsibilities in line with the level of the position as assigned by the Supervisor and/or the University. Contribute to the development of novel analytical methods that make use of behavioural, eye-tracking, electroencephalography and virtual reality (VR) technologies.
Key Position Capabilities
Completion of a PhD or substantial progress toward a PhD in Psychology or a closely related field
Demonstrated evidence of research performance and/or evaluation experience within Psychology
Demonstrated excellent interpersonal, collaborative and communication skills, including skills related to supervising undergraduate student projects.
Demonstrated excellent oral and written communication skills, including the ability to establish and maintain effective relationships with staff. Students and industry.
Demonstrated experience in collection and analysis of electrophysiological or psychophysiological data.
Demonstrated strong technical and programming skills, and a willingness to learn new task-dependant programming languages.
Strong commitment to scientific integrity and knowledge of Open Science principles.
For application enquiries please contact: Dr Oren Griffiths
Pursuant to Child Safety (Prohibited Persons) Act 2016 (SA) this position has been deemed prescribed. It is an inherent requirement of the position that the successful candidate maintains a current Working With Children Check which is satisfactory to the University.
Information for Applicants:
You are required to provide a suitability statement of no more than three pages, addressing the key capabilities of the position as outlined above. In addition, you are required to upload your CV.
A valid National Police Certificate which is satisfactory to the University will also be required before the successful applicant can commence in this position.
We are seeking to increase the diversity to improve equal opportunity outcomes for employees, and therefore we encourage female applicants, people with a disability and/or from Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders descent to apply.
Please note, late applications and applications sent via agencies will not be accepted.
Applications Close 11:59 pm:
20 Apr 2021
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