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Calhn Casual Enrolled Nursing 2020/2021

Department for Health and Wellbeing SA (South Australia)

Job Description

Eligibility: Open to Everyone The Queen Elizabeth Hospital / Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre / Royal Adelaide HospitalSalary ENC $28.39/ $31.96 per hour plus 25% leave loadingSalary END $29.47/ $33.20 per hour plus 25% leave loadingCasual Central Adelaide Local Health Network (CALHN) is responsible for promoting and improving the health of the central metropolitan Adelaide and broader community by providing integrated health care and hospital services.CALHN brings together five hospitals; Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH) as a major quaternary facility, TQEH as a general hospital, and our rehabilitation hospitals Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre (HRC) and St Margaret’s Rehabilitation Hospital (SMRH), Glenside Hospital for acute and community mental health rehabilitation, and a significant number of primary health care (PHC) services. This vacancy is recruiting casual nurses for RAH, TQEH and HRC.Royal Adelaide Hospital (RAH) is an 800 bed flagship hospital providing a comprehensive range of the most complex clinical care to an estimated 85,000 inpatients and 400,000 outpatients each year.The Queen Elizabeth Hospital is a 320 bed hospital which provides a comprehensive range of specialist and diagnostic treatment services to a population base of approximately 250,000 people, living primarily in Adelaide’s western suburbs.Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre is dedicated to maximising patient independence and optimising lifestyle through rehabilitation. Hampstead is a 128-bed facility which provides clinical rehabilitation services for people suffering from traumatic brain injury, stroke, other neurological and medical disorders, spinal cord injury, orthopaedic conditions and amputations. We offer the flexibility and opportunity to move into many different areas within the nursing profession whilst achieving work/life balance.We are a dedicated, inspirational, and professional group of nurses contributing to the wellbeing of South Australians. We are looking for nurses to join our friendly and skilled teams across the hospital. You will provide professional high quality nursing care aimed at improving patient health outcomes. Assessing individual patient needs, you will plan, implement or coordinate appropriate service delivery from a range of accepted options. You will also provide health education, counselling and rehabilitation programs to improve the health outcomes of individual patients or groups. Consolidating your knowledge and skills, you will develop in capability through continuous professional development and experience and maintain cooperative and productive working relationships with all members of the health care team. With a commitment to delivering the highest standard of nursing, you will be willing to participate in quality assurance or evaluative research activities within the practice setting.You will be registered or eligible for registration as a Nurse by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, and hold or be eligible to hold a current practicing certificate. With demonstrated competence in nursing practice in accordance with the appropriate standards, you will have effective communication skills including, problem solving, conflict resolution and negotiation skills. With the ability to work effectively within a multidisciplinary team and prioritise workloads, you will be creative, innovative and flexible.The South Australian public sector promotes diversity and flexible ways of working including part-time. Applicants are encouraged to discuss the flexible working arrangements for this role.Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory Criminal History Check and compliant Immunisation screening.Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants are encouraged to apply. Job Ref: 735453 735453 CALHN Casual Enrolled Nursing Flexibility StatementThe South Australian public sector promotes diversity and flexible ways of working including part-time. Applicants are encouraged to discuss the flexible working arrangements for this role.

  This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.

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Department for Health and Wellbeing