Private Literacy Tutor Wanted For Year 6 Girl
Pitman Petersham, Sydney
Job Description
My 11 year old daughter will be in year 6 in 2025. For the past year she has been getting literacy help at a speech therapy provider in Leichhardt. She has also been prescribed a low dose of Ritalin to assist with her concentration, anxiety and working memory.
I would like to move from therapy to tutoring but need someone studying to be a child / teen therapist that is able to mix the core English reading and writing curriculum with cognitive therapies suitable for someone with neuro-divergence.
Ideally the tutor would come to our home or meet at a local library for 1 hour a week. Monday and Tuesday evenings are an option as is Saturday afternoon.
I would like to move from therapy to tutoring but need someone studying to be a child / teen therapist that is able to mix the core English reading and writing curriculum with cognitive therapies suitable for someone with neuro-divergence.
Ideally the tutor would come to our home or meet at a local library for 1 hour a week. Monday and Tuesday evenings are an option as is Saturday afternoon.
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This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.
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Member since: November 2024