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TH Wanneroo, Perth

Job Description

Total Health in Wanneroo located at Level-1, 30, Dundebar Road invites expressions of interests from candidates, who have past experience in working as a receptionist, consider themselves to have curiosity to learn, are confident, able to work together as part of a team with an ability to solve problems autonomously.

The candidates must have a positive attitude towards learning and be able to thrive in an environment where ability to multitask is crucial to the role. Other attributes of mental resilience, self-confidence, accepting and improving from critical feedback that is received, a caring attitude and clear articulation of thoughts both orally and in writing, will provide additional value to candidate's written expressions of interest to be submitted in writing to the Human Resources Manager via email.

The email address to send the CV is [email protected]

  This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.

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Member since: June 2024