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Christmas Decorating Assistant

The Christmas Heirloom Company Adelaide Adelaide City, Adelaide

Job Description

Merchandising Role
We are a well known Christmas company who specialises in the installation and decoration of Christmas trees for commercial clients.

As Christmas is just around the corner... we are looking for some people to join our Christmas decorating team!!

Its a fun and sparkly job but it also requires hard work, standing for long periods and some lifting - so you would need to be physically fit. You will also need to work well in a team.

No previous experience is required as all training is provided.

These are casual positions from September - to mid December and then 3rd January to 15th January
Applicants must be available for an interview in Adelaide.

  This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.

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The Christmas Heirloom Company Adelaide

Member since: September 2023

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