Lead Generator
MLEC Perth, WA (Western Australia)
Job Description
We are looking for a motivated, sales-driven individual to join our team as a Lead Generator for a Solar Company. This role will include canvasing potential new clients and using sales strategies to target customers and book them in to see a specialist.
- Flexible Hours: You can work as many or few hours as you want with no restrictions.
- Uncapped Commissions: Earn money based on your sales performance
- Work from Home Capabilities: Ability to work from home when needed
- Energetic Working Environment: Get to know and work with a great team
- Useful Resources: Access to the necessary resources for effective sales
- Professional Growth: Opportunities to grow professionally within our organization
- Quality Experience: Enhance your resume with a strong start in sales!
Job Responsibilities:
- Create and maintain an accurate database of leads and customers contacts
- Execute cold calling campaigns
- Perform outbound calls for sales activities
- Provide product or service information and pricing details to customers
- Reach, build and maintain a long and successful relationship with customers
- Proven work experience as a Cold Calling Solar Sales Representative (Preferred but not required)
- Excellent customer service skills
- Ability to meet and exceed sales quotas
- Familiarity with CRM (Salesforce) software is beneficial
- A Willingness to Learn
- Motivated Individual Ready to Make Money
- Good Attitude
- Handles Rejection Well
View more student jobs in WA (Western Australia).
This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.
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Member since: August 2023