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Moving A Few Houshold Items Into Storage

Softwares Ltd Sandy Bay, Hobart

Job Description

I have a couple of tables that need to be moved into storage. Besides these there are a few more light small household items as well. The job is small and light and I’m there to assist. Only the 1m round table top has a bit of weight. I’m hoping to disassemble the items so that they are easy to carry. There are a couple of flights of stairs. If you can drive it would be good. Can hire a car or use your own. I’ll pay for that as well. Location is from Sandy Bay to Moonah storage. Job will take about 20-30 mins and the same amount of time off load into storage. The drive will take about 20 mins. Total time is around 1.5- 2 hours. I’ll pay $300 for the job including the car hire (if you don't have a car it costs $65 for a Bunnings van hire for 4 hours). I require this job done on Wednesday 28th June morning. If you don't have a car or can't drive please still call and let me know.

  This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.

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Softwares Ltd

Member since: June 2023