Research Fellow / Senior Research Fellow
The University of Western Australia Perth, Perth
Job Description
You will have the opportunity to work in a multidisciplinary team of physiologists, biomedical scientists, clinicians, engineers and industry partners working on innovative studies to advance the care of newborn infants. You will work to develop methods, interpret results and write manuscripts, and successfully obtain funding to support your future innovative research program. There is also opportunity for the successful appointee to be actively mentored and supported by Professor Pillow and research development teams to support your growth as a successful and internationally renowned researcher.
About you
You will be a current early-mid career fetal / neonatal physiologist with established expertise in respiratory physiology/biology, circadian biology and/or developmental neurology / neuroscience and a demonstrated record of success in nationally and internationally competitive grant applications.
To be considered for this role, you will demonstrate:
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The University of Western Australia