Volunteer Castlemaine
Arcare Aged Care Castlemaine, Victoria
Job Description
Volunteer | Arcare Castlemaine
It is our hope that as a volunteer, you’ll feel part of the Arcare community.
About the opportunity:
Volunteers at Arcare help residents maintain a valuable connection to their local community. We’re looking for volunteers who would enjoy giving their time to bring joy to residents at Arcare.
If you have an interest in crosswords, reading the paper, playing board games or sharing your interest in craft, we’d love you to join Arcare’s volunteer program.
Whether you’re a university student, working full-time, caring for children, or retired, we will work with your availability.
Our friendly Lifestyle team will be there to guide you and provide training for interacting with residents.
If you have a heart for giving back to the elderly, and can spare time each week, or fortnight, please don’t hesitate to apply. Arcare wants to ensure your time volunteering with us is rewarding. We invest in our volunteers with regular training for your role, ideas for activities and ongoing support. In return, we require a six-month commitment from our volunteers, which includes a three-month probation period.
All Arcare volunteers will be required to complete:
– Police Check
– Statutory declaration
– Provide evidence of their COVID vaccinations
– NDIS Workers Screening Check (only if applicable)
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This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.
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Arcare Aged Care