Sales Administration / Marketing Coordinator | Double Bay $90k
Gough Recruitment AU Sydney, Sydney
Job Description
The Client:
Our Client is a well-established office that provides the utmost professionalism and attention to detail. Committed to delivering a holistic approach to real estate, this team fosters a dynamic, trusting work environment creating a positive culture that resonates both internally and externally. The right candidate will be assisted with ongoing mentoring and coaching to make sure that they are fully equipped and up to date with the latest in Real Estate to build a successful career.
The Role:
Monday – Friday, your specific duties will include but not be limited to:
The Candidate:
The ideal candidate will possess the following;
This established team combines to harness success delivered in a fully integrated approach. A fantastic experience for an experienced candidate to hit the ground running and work for a team of professionals
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This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.
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Gough Recruitment AU