Careerone Partner Network Melrose Park, SA (South Australia)
Job Description
The primary function of this position is to promote leading Global brands of clothing to a wide variey of business types across the Adelaide Metro area. The successful candidate will become familiar with the main methods of decorating garments ( printing, embroidery and transfers ) as part of presenting the product range and associated services.
The successful applicant will be a vibrant and creative person who is comfortable working in a predominantly younger and somewhat trendy market.
You will be working closely with the owner of the business to be fully introduced to the product range, client base and sales approach, as part of the comprehensive training.
This is a part time, permanent position of initially 3 days per week ( 7 hours per day on a Tuesday, Wednesay and Thursday) and has potential to grow into a full time postion in the longer term. Available for immediate start (will wait for notice periods as required). We are seeking an applicant with a current drivers licence and a reliable vehicle.
View more student jobs in SA (South Australia).
This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.
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Careerone Partner Network