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Rehabilitation Assistant

Kairros Griffith, ACT (Australian Capital Territory)

Job Description

Job Description

About Kairros

We care for people. We build trust. We find the best way.

At Kairros, everything we do is focused on boosting the health, safety and productivity of people. Our mission is optimising work and life participation for people with injury, illness, disability and disadvantage.
Kairros also offers specialised return to work services for a culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) range of clients. We endeavour to overcome cross-cultural barriers by providing specific services tailored to our CALD cohort.


Our team in Canberra is looking for a Rehabilitation Assistant to join us on a part-time/casual basis.

This is a great opportunity for allied health students who are interested in the occ rehab field and looking to gain experience in the allied health industry!

About the role

As an Allied Health Assistant (Rehabilitation Assistant), your key responsibilities will include:

  • Working within various insurance schemes, including Life Insurance, CTP, Worker’s Compensation and DVA 
  • Assisting and shadowing the rehab consulting team undertaking Worksite, Functional, Ergonomic, Equipment and Home ADL Assessments
  • Report writing and other administrative tasks
  • Designing, implementing and monitoring programs that assist injured employees return to the workforce
  • Liaising with clients, medical practitioners, insurers and employers to achieve outcomes appropriate for all parties

What you’ll bring to the role

  • Qualifications or current enrolment in any of the following
    • Exercise Physiology, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Psychology, Counselling, or Social Work
  • Current Vehicle and Drivers Licence and ability to travel for work
  • An understanding of workers compensation, rehabilitation and occupational health and safety legislation ideal;
  • Ability to consistently provide high level customer service
  • Proven organisation and time management skills.

To Apply:

Click on the APPLY button or please contact Alysiah Theodor to have a confidential discussion about the role on 0484 593 868. You can also add me on Linkedin


You are welcome here

We are an Equal Opportunity Employer, proudly welcoming people with disability including mental health conditions, people from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds, people from the LGBTQI community, veterans, carers and Indigenous Australians to our team. When you join MedHealth, we want you to bring your whole self to work – and we value your unique contribution.


  This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.

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