Research Associate (level Aras)
University of South Australia Adelaide, Adelaide
Job Description
About the Role
This position will contribute to the research efforts of the UniSA Justice & Society Academic Unit in the provision of research related activities and support on the project titled “Rebuilding Life After Migration for Young Refugees and Migrants” in collaboration with the Australian Research Council.
Required research activities include proactively supporting and contributing to high quality research, competitive research grant activities, and active participation in research concentrations and other relevant collaborative forums, to deliver high quality research outcomes to meet the Excellence in Research in Australia (ERA) criteria.
About UniSA Justice and Society
The University of South Australia is Australia’s University of Enterprise. Our culture of innovation is anchored around global and national links to academic, research and industry partners. Our graduates are the new urban professionals, global citizens at ease with the world and ready to create and respond to change. Our research is inventive and adventurous and we create new knowledge that is central to global economic and social prosperity.
Developing new knowledge and multi-disciplinary solutions to some of society’s most pressing issues, UniSA Justice & Society offers a wide range of programs and conducts world-class research in the fields of law, psychology, social work, human services and social sciences. UniSA Justice & Society is also home to the Australian Centre for Child Protection, Australia’s premier research centre focused on the development of new solutions and approaches to the critical problem of child abuse and neglect.
Core Responsibilities
Essential Skills and Experience
Getting a great job working with the best is just the start. UniSA rewards its staff with a wide variety of benefits such as:
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University of South Australia