Graduate Sales Manager
Agricultural Appointments Sydney, Sydney
Job Description
Our client is a leader in national stockfeed and animal nutrition markets and is currently looking for a Territory Sales Manager who can sell animal nutrition products and proactively drive a large sales budget. This large and dynamic company is growing rapidly and markets a range of highly specialised livestock nutrition and companion animal products. This role would be ideal for a recent graduate to move into a great company with a leading-edge product range in the pet, equine and livestock sectors.
You will be a key salesperson for the specialty packaged product range in southern NSW. Your main responsibility would be to drive sales by working closely with key customers in the wholesale, rural distributors and retail specialty products stores across southern will work closely with the National Business and other Sales Managers to develop plans and programs for the livestock nutrition and companion animal products to give them a real key competitive advantage at all times in the your experience in sales with particular knowledge of animal and/or pet nutrition, you are able to understand and implement customer wants and needs to expand sales within the Territory.
Remuneration and Location
Remuneration is very attractive for this role and comes with a generous bonus incentive. The location is flexible around southern NSW (Eg, Wagga, Leeton, Griffith, Albury etc).
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This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.
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Agricultural Appointments