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Membership Sales & Marketing Manager

JRM Hospitality Surry Hills, NSW (New South Wales)

Job Description

Membership Sales & Marketing Manager

  • Prestigious members club with fantastic team culture
  • Well remunerated with a good work/life balance
  • Sponsorship or sponsorship transfer available with pathway to PR


Membership Sales & Marketing Manager

A prestigious private members club requires a manager to drive the membership recruitment strategy focussing on retention and recruitment, management of the clubs partnerships to encourage member engagement.

The role:

  • Membership management – from on marketing, onboarding, communications plan, brand and promoting and supporting key areas of the business.
  • Setting and implementing outbound and internal recruitment strategies
  • Grow membership attendance in line with KPI’s
  • Deliver timely member communications
  • Oversee weekly newsletter planning and execution


  • A manager with creativity and initiative
  • Confidentiality, punctual & attention to detail
  • Membership sales experience
  • Social media competency
  • Design experience

For expressions of interest contact Chris on or APPLY NOW!

  This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.

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JRM Hospitality