Sales And Marketing Manager
Accor Epping, Victoria
Job Description
Mantra Epping is a 214 room hotel in the thriving area of Epping, located 35 minutes drive north of Melbourne CBD. This role includes content management, content writing and development and administration of the company’s websites, other digital channels and digital asset library. Strategy for and activation of tactical marketing campaigns across the hotel’s websites is a key area of the role along with creation and ongoing management of Social channels.
The role requires a multi-tasking approach and demands attention to detail and the ability to deliver within strict project timelines. Open, clear communication with the Director of Sales & Marketing and Venue Manager on task progress is required at all times. You will also be expected to deliver results of digital projects on an ongoing basis.
We are looking for Full Time Sales and Marketing Manager.
Key Responsibilities
The role of the Sales & Marketing Manager is to support the Director Of Sales and Marketing Team alongside the Republic Tavern.
These responsibilities include:
Specific Team Responsibilties
Key Skills & Experience
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This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.
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