Cadet Journalist
News Corp Australia Hobart, Hobart
Job Description
Cadet Journalist
Hobart TAS, Australia
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This is an invitation to be part of the generation that shapes journalism’s next era. We are offering the opportunity to learn and work across Australia’s most diverse family of journalism brands. We will train you in journalism’s core skills as well as provide the opportunity to learn the new techniques and technologies that are part of journalism’s future. Our cadets will have the opportunity to excel in every facet of journalism, from grassroots community reporting to new and specialist areas of interest.
What are we looking for?
We strongly encourage applications from people of all backgrounds, professional disciplines and experiences. We are looking for cadets interested in developing across a range of areas, including:
Who are you?
What’s in it for you?
Supportive and friendly environment. We encourage innovation, collaboration and creative thinking. Fun, fast-paced and excellent opportunities for growth and development.
Who are we?
In an evolving media industry our brands continue to drive the story and influence the agenda – 7.4 million Australians read one of our national, metro or regional paid daily titles a week. We are proud to be the greatest storytellers in Australia. Our products are innovative and dynamic, constantly adapting to new challenges and pioneering the way forward to lead the market. A fast paced and ever changing environment requires adequate, robust and reliable business systems and processes which play a vital part in our success.
View more student jobs in Hobart.
This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.
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News Corp Australia