Senior Research Officer
Government of South Australia Adelaide, Adelaide
Job Description
The Opportunity
We have two (24 month contract) opportunities within West Beachand Port Lincoln for a Senior Research Officer to be part of ourSouth Australia Research and Development Institute (SARDI) andMajor Programs Division within the Department of Primary Industriesand Regions.
The roles contribute scientific support to deliveringhigh-quality scientific information and advice to facilitate thesustainable management of fishery resources in South Australianwaters, through successful and timely delivery of research,publishing stock assessment reports and articles in peer-reviewedscientific journals. The roles contribute to the researchassessments and projects overseen by the Community-Based FisheriesSub-Program. The primary focus of the group is on the populationdynamics and fisheries biology of key species taken in sharedaccess fisheries. Fishery dependent and biological data areintegrated in stock assessments that determine the status ofharvested populations. The primary outputs are stock assessmentreports that provide the scientific basis for fisheries management.Scientific findings are published in peer-reviewed reports, andnational and international journals. Research findings are alsocommunicated directly to PIRSA fisheries managers, fishery licenceholders and national and international scientists through relevantsteering committees, meetings, and conferences.
The role contributes delivering the agency’s prioritiesincluding (1) Increasing productivity of our primary industries andagribusinesses (Stimulating Value Growth); (2) Securing productionthrough biosecurity and efficient and sustainable use of resources(Sustaining the Resource); (3) Growing regions by supporting keyregional development drivers and growing opportunities available toour regional communities; (4) Building partnerships with industry,stakeholders, research organisations and regional communities; and(5) preparedness to contribute to PIRSA’s response andrecovery obligations in emergency situations.
About Us
South Australia is internationally recognised for the quality ofits agriculture, food and wine. Our regions are the backbone of ourstate and the economic powerhouse that drives prosperity for allSouth Australians.
The Department of Primary Industries and Regions (PIRSA) is akey economic development agency working in partnership with ourprimary industries, regional stakeholders and across all levels ofgovernment to advance the prosperity and sustainability of SouthAustralia’s primary industries and regional communities.
We are a passionate team of around 800 people working acrossmetropolitan and regional South Australia to develop and protectour state’s regions and food, wine, aquaculture, fisheries,forestry, grains, livestock, dairy and horticulture industries.
It’s no wonder there are so many exciting and diverse careeropportunities in our organisation. If you’re ready to joinus, apply now!
At the Department of Primary Industries and Regions, we offerour employees challenging and rewarding work with opportunities forcareer progression, learning and development and flexibility.
Our Commitment to Diversity
The Department of Primary Industries and Regions is committed tobuilding a flexible, diverse and inclusive culture, planning forand promoting diversity. We welcome and encourage applications fromdiverse community groups and ages including Aboriginal and TorresStrait Islander, LGBTIQ, people with disabilities, women and otherdiversity groups. The Department of Primary Industries and Regionsrecognises the benefits that such an approach brings for our staffand customers in delivering the future of SA.
Special Conditions
PO2 $85,665 – $94,801 per annum
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Government of South Australia