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Research And Data Specialist

Government of South Australia Adelaide, Adelaide

Job Description


: Open to Everyone

Why work withus:

We’re building apublic education system which is genuinely recognised asworld-class – where every preschool and school is great and wherethere is growth for every child and student.

We areone team, statewide. Everyone in public education works together,united behind our vision because what we’re doing today willimprove the futures of children in South Australia.

We’re making adifference so South Australia thrives.


The SouthAustralian Skills Commission (the Commission) regulates thestate’s apprenticeship and traineeship system and advises theMinister for Innovation and Skills on a range of matters such as:vocational education and training (VET) funding and quality;strategies and priorities for workforce development; and thestate’s role as part of an integrated national system as defined bythe South Australian Skills Act (the SAS Act) 2008.

TheResearch and Data Analyst Specialist operates within the context ofthe SAS Act 2008, the South Australian Skills Regulations 2021 andthe South Australian Skills Standards. The role will research andanalyse complex information relevant to the Commission’spriorities and annual plan to inform the development of strategies,policies, and procedures, and lead, plan, coordinate and undertakecomplex technical analysis of the data environments, as well asprovide specialised consultative services that contributes to thedelivery of project deliverables.


Desirable: Financial/Statistical qualification


Thesuccessful applicant is required to gain a Department for HumanServices (DHS) working with children check (WWCC) prior to beingemployed which is required to be renewed every five years beforeexpiry. The incumbent will be required to undertake RRHAN –EC(Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect – Education Care)Facilitator Lead (Masterclass) extended course or the online(Fundamentals) course which will be required to be updated everythree years. 

Pleasenote that department employees working in high risk environmentsare required to maintain up-to-date vaccination against COVID-19,with a TGA Approved Vaccine, or comply with the followingreasonable, additional safety measures to mitigate risk in theworkplace. Vaccination status must be disclosed and provided forsighting on request.

For allother Special Conditions please refer to the attached PositionDescription.


Applicants are requiredto submit a CV, the Application Cover Sheet, EmploymentDeclaration, and a written statement of no more than 1500 wordsaddressing the selection criteria in the attacheddocument.

People ofAboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent and/or those who havea disability are strongly encouraged to apply.


ASO7$104,938 – $113,435

  This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.

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Government of South Australia