Hellofresh Sales Team Leader
HelloFresh Melbourne, Melbourne
Job Description
Job description
This represents a fantastic opportunity to join a team that’s experiencing a very exciting phase of growth. You will understand how to motivate individuals and teams, possess strong coaching skills and hold a number of tools in your armory to deal with the mindset of direct sales
You will take direction from the Regional Sales Manager and ensure you are setting clear expectations for the team. Our local marketing stakeholder will also provide direction and support when needed. You will be a role model, demonstrating your excellent customer service and leadership skills along the way!
Your main duties will involve:
You have…
What you’ll get in return…
Duration: Ongoing Full-Time Contract with flexible working hours. You must have the right to work full-time in Australia
Start Date: ASAP – willing to wait a notice period
Location: Melbourne
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This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.
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