Research Associate – Jim Buckee Fellowship In Astrophysics
The University of Western Australia Perth, Perth
Job Description
ICRAR is looking for a highly motivated scientist to join the Cosmological Theory group as part of the prestigious Jim Buckee Fellowship scheme in Astrophysics. You will contribute to an independent research program aimed at undertaking research in supercomputer modelling of the formation and evolution of galaxies in the cosmic web. You will be making predictions that can be directly tested with next generation radio telescopes such as the SKA and its precursors/pathfinders.
You will play a key role in carrying out an independent and innovative research programme using galaxy formation modelling in cosmological simulations on state-of-the-art supercomputers to make predictions that can be tested using observational data from the SKA pathfinders, such as ASKAP, and the ultimately the SKA itself.
About you
The project will require expertise in theoretical and computational astrophysics, statistical analysis, and high-performance computing. You must hold a PhD in theoretical / computational astrophysics or related discipline.
To be considered for this role, you will demonstrate:
Note: this position will require occasional overseas travel and meetings after hours due to the project activities and collaborators located globally.
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This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.
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The University of Western Australia