Assistant In Nursing – Casual 2023 – Cummins And Tumby Bay
Government of South Australia Adelaide, Adelaide
Job Description
: Open to Everyone
Gain valuable skills and experience in nursing activities as part of the professional and friendly team at Cummins and District Memorial Hospital and/or Tumby Bay Hospital.
Assisting with the provision of quality care, The Assistant in Nursing (AIN) assists Nurses and Midwives with routine tasks with patients associated with the activities of daily living. This may include personal care duties for patients, as well as technical support functions at the level of setting up for nursing procedures, cleaning equipment and managing local stock levels. The AIN helps maintains a physically and culturally safe environment for patients and staff, alerting the Registered Nurses to a patient or visitor concerns or questions. At all times working under the supervision of a Registered Nurse or Midwife and sometimes your work may also be overseen by an Enrolled Nurse.
The Tumby Bay Hospital and Cummins Hospital is part of the Eyre and Far North Local Health Network (EFNLHN). We provide emergency services, general medicine, diagnostic radiology and outpatient department. Our community services include extended care for the frail, aged and disabled, Meals on Wheels and allied health services. Make a real difference and feel like an important part of the community.
Being part of the EFNLHN means you will be supported both personally and professionally, can take advantage of education and training opportunities, have access to flexible working hours and be part of an inter-professional approach to holistic health care.
To apply for this role, you will be enrolled as a student in an undergraduate program in nursing or midwifery. You will have completed any training required by the Eyre and Far North Local Health Network relevant to the safe and competent performance of work at this level. Motivated and keen to learn, you will be able to follow instructions and possess effective verbal and written communication skills.
Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory Criminal History Check and appropriate immunisation requirements.
Immunisation Risk for this position is – Category A (direct contact with blood or body substances)
SA Health Services are required to implement the Addressing vaccine preventable disease: Occupational assessment, screening and vaccination policy in the workplace.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander applicants are encouraged to apply. Job ref : 823126.
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This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.
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Government of South Australia