Executive Level 2 – Assistant General Manager, Trade Marks & Designs
IP Australia Phillip, ACT (Australian Capital Territory)
Job Description
Executive Level 2 – Assistant General Manager, Trade Marks & Designs
Job No : 494350
Tenure : Ongoing
Location : Flexible Location
Categories : Administration, Customer Service, Call Centre, Legal, Program Management/Maintenance, Project Management / Project Officer
Division : Customer Services Div
Assistant General Managers (AGM) are part of the executive team and hold a key leadership position within TMDG.
We are seeking savvy, customer-experience focused people with strong leadership, communication and relationship management skills, strong analytical abilities, and the capability to exercise sound judgment in handling complex issues under pressure. AGMs need to have a responsive and engaging approach to workplace change initiatives including participating in, and encouraging others to engage in, change and contribute to successful outcomes.
These roles encompass all aspects of leadership, management, development and co-ordination of a highly skilled workforce responsible for trade mark and design rights searches and examinations, oppositions, hearings, legislative changes, business process developments, examiner training and quality system management. AGMs are accountable for budget management, production, customer service, quality, workforce management, and reporting.
The successful applicants will be required to liaise with industry and other interest groups, the Department of Industry, Science and Resources and other government agencies, and represent IP Australia at national and international meetings, conferences and seminars. The occupants may also be involved in inter-business group corporate projects, working groups and/or taskforces.
In addition, the successful applicants will perform the statutory functions of a Deputy Registrar of Trade Marks and Deputy Registrar of Designs and exercise the appropriate power, authority, delegations and discretions under the Trade Marks Act 1995 and Designs Act 2003.
Position Duties
AGM roles and responsibilities:
Looking for more information?
Our position profile contains details including the capabilities required, the contact officer, and how to apply. Please use the link below to access the position profile:
Applications close at 11:55pm AEST on Sunday 2 April 2023.
Advertised : 19 Mar 2023 AUS Eastern Daylight Time
Applications Close : 2 Apr 2023 AUS Eastern Standard Time
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IP Australia