Application Platform Sales Specialist
Red Hat, Inc. Sydney, Sydney
Job Description
About the job
The Red Hat Sales team is looking for a passionate and innovative Sales Specialist to join us in Sydney, Australia. In this role, you will guide the adoption of Red Hat’s emerging technology solutions by our enterprise customers and partners across Australia and New Zealand. You will work closely aligned with the local account teams to meet demanding growth targets over the coming years. You will need to have excellent sales, communication, and people skills as you’ll be a crucial part of the Red Hat Sales team, interacting with internal and external stakeholders. We’ll also need you to have a balance of technical expertise, passion for open source, and a thorough understanding of business processes and IT problems faced at the enterprise level. In the evangelist part of the role, you may be asked to speak at events and technical forums to everyone from CIOs to user groups about Red Hat technologies. This job requires constant learning about new technologies and how they can be applied to solve enterprise challenges.
What you will do
What you will bring
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This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.
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Red Hat, Inc.