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New Home Sales Consultant

Hickinbotham Group Hackney, SA (South Australia)

Job Description

Get with the strength! – Earn over $150k per annum This is your opportunity to join the most successful, and highest earning, sales team in the industry.


Due to continued growth, Hickinbotham, a diversified business that includes South Australia’s largest and longest established building and development group, seeks a New Home Sales Consultant to join our dynamic sales team. Hickinbotham operates a busy, professional office dedicated to providing SA’s best value homes with true passion for delivering outstanding customer service.


We pride ourselves on having a team of consultants who are the industry’s highest earners – most earn in excess of $150k per annum with many earning considerably more. Our consultants, as a group, earn more than consultants working for every other new home company – and more than most other selling professionals. We are passionate about building and selling SA’s best value homes – beautifully designed and well built homes sold at highly competitive prices, backed up by excellent service. So if you want to join SA’s best sales team and:

  • have a track record in selling
  • prior job stability
  • a positive attitude
  • a strong desire to succeed; and are
  • willing to work weekends 

We will give you the opportunity to earn more than you are earning now, with the potential to go much further. No prior industry experience is required. The successful applicant will be trained in our streamlined systems.


We value diversity and encourage local, interstate and overseas applicants to apply. Our relationships with trusted migration professionals, and our established systems, allow us to support our team members to navigate the challenges of relocation, including visa applications.


We are seeking like-minded individuals who are eager to join our professional team, dedicated to our values, and passionate about providing fantastic customer service.

 All applications will be treated in strict confidence.

  This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.

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Hickinbotham Group