Sales Consultant
KONE Perth, Perth
Job Description
What will you be doing?
There’s so much more to KONE than you may realise.
The breadth of our business means career pathways both local and abroad. You’ll be inspired by what’s possible, using each new experience as a stepping stone to where you want to go.
Note: Applicants must either be a permanent resident or citizen of Australia or New Zealand to apply for this position.
This role is being sourced directly by KONE. We respectfully request no agency approaches.
KONE is an equal opportunity employer who supports inclusive, flexible, and accessible working arrangements for all. This includes persons with disabilities, culturally, religiously, and linguistically diverse people, diverse age groups, diverse sexual orientation, and gender
KONE is an equal opportunity employer who supports inclusive, flexible, and accessible working arrangements for all. This includes persons with disabilities, culturally, religiously, and linguistically diverse people, diverse age groups, diverse sexual orientation, and gender.
We are committed to working in partnership with and support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and organisations by recognising and respecting the diversity of cultures, identity, heritage, languages, and social and spiritual systems practiced.
View more student jobs in Perth.
This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.
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