Onsite Sales Specialist – S.a
Robert Bosch (Australia) Pty. Ltd. North Haven, SA (South Australia)
Job Description
Job Description
Do you have an Entrepreneurial, Hunter, results focused mentality?
Are you looking for an awesome autonomous opportunity to create something special?
Are you looking to further grow and develop in an exciting multinational company?
We are currently offering an exciting, ongoing opportunity for an enthusiastic individual to join us as an Onsite Sales Specialist in the Power Tools division. The role will be based in South Australia (SA) and will be a home office role.
Position responsibilities will include:
We are looking for a talented individual who possesses superb entrepreneurial skills, who loves questioning the status quo, challenging themselves and those around them and most of all; a proven leader in everything is they do. You need to be proactive, self-driven and flexible, who can work towards KPI’s and deliver on all aspects of customer management, along with the natural ability to build rapport and negotiate effectively with both internal and external stakeholders.
To be considered for this position you should be able to demonstrate:
Other desirable attributes:
View more student jobs in SA (South Australia).
This job vacancy was been posted over 40 days ago, but is still active and currently accepting new applications.
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Robert Bosch (Australia) Pty. Ltd.